Top 8 HR Tech Trends for 2021

Even in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, HR technology continues to act as a crucial asset for HR professionals. The attempt to disseminate information to remote employees is greatly aided when proper digital communication platforms are in existence.

2021, Data and Trends – Human Resources Today

“Talking about the future is always interesting, but I’m going to talk about the present too. And the word that I found interesting today is ‘effervescence’. So we’re entering an effervescent time.”

Top Five Human Resources Challenges In 2021

Human resources (HR) professionals are facing more challenges than at any other time in history. A global health crisis, layoffs, mental health crises, social unrest and an economic downturn are just a few of the key issues keeping HR professionals up at night. Unfortunately, it appears that this disruptive period of workplace change will continue […]

Best Practices For Recruitment And Retention

Best Practices For Recruitment And Retention Core Organisational Values Line Manager Involvement Marketing and Promotion Recruitment Coordination Efficiency or the Hiring Process Information Tracking/Measurement Career Development Orientation Continuous Learning Exit Interviews   Core Organisational Values The recruitment practices must compliment the core values of the organisation. The organisation must seek to recruit individuals who possess […]

Lasting Relationship Program At Aku

CONCEPT The idea behind the “Lasting Relationship Program” was to form and maintain a healthy relationship with our key ex-employees. We believe that networking with former employees is significantly important, as it will benefit AKU on one hand and them on the other.   This can be done by keeping in constant communication with the […]