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HR Boot camp

The PSHRM is an intense program meant to allow young HR Professionals to discover the direction, self-awareness and self-management techniques that they need to take on upcoming challenges and opportunities in the world of HR. Participants challenge their boundaries and develop their potential to lead their teams...


In this series you can send members of your team to attend the full day or half day program at our premises/online. Master Classes are conducted by experienced and renowned HR leaders and cover a wide range of current topics and trends in the industry. These topics are selected as per the current trends of the market...


Conference with international as well as local leaders of HR coming together to train, educate and network with the HR community. The conference brings together the most influential, forward-thinking HR leaders and senior executives from all over the country. They discuss current issues, trends and solutions to organization’s HR policies...

HR leadership Journey

Is a program for seniors HR leaders that brings together the top HR minds from Pakistan’s leading companies in an international setting to explore holistic solutions to the challenges that the new world of work presents. This unique learning experience includes a blend of renowned international facilitators, peer-to-peer learning and community building. This is framed by an overall program that allows the participants to use mindfulness to deeply connect with themselves to bring out their best...

Best Place to Work

PSHRM and Engage Consulting are pioneers in Pakistan in studying and recognizing the best companies to work for in Pakistan. Engaged Consulting in partnership with PSHRM introduced this study in 2008 and has ever since conducted this study every other year, building up a rich study of database of employee engagement and commitment levels. PSHRM Best Place to Work awards aim to highlight trends of the industry in employee expectations, retention and motivation levels of employees...

Networking Evenings​

Latest News & Articles

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The role of HR practices in developing employee resilience: a case study from the Pakistani telecommunications sector (
This is a repository copy of The role of HR practices in developing employee resilience: a case
Top 8 HR Tech Trends for 2021
Even in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, HR technology continues to act as a crucial asset
2021, Data and Trends – Human Resources Today
“Talking about the future is always interesting, but I’m going to talk about the present too. And

Features & About

Features and their details

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Free HR Advice Available! Do you have a HR question? Ask our PSHRM panel of HR experts, who will provide answers and advice. Our goal is to respond within 48 hours during Monday to Friday. Submit your question now!

Find Job

PSHRM gives you Common Platform where you can find job listings from various organizations. Find jobs from big organizations here at PSHRM website.


Pakistan Society for Human Resource Management is an independent, non-profit, and non-governmental institution, managed by an honorary Executive Committee. Comprising of senior executives and human resources professionals from leading organizations in Pakistan. PSHRM has always partnered with thought leaders at international levels to raise the intellectual and professional standards of practice. In line with their vision, they have endeavored to improve the work capabilities of people, their conditions of work as well as improve the capabilities of the managers and policy practitioners.

PSHRM is also a member with:
CIPM (Chartered institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka)
APFHRM (Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resource Management)

Our Affiliate Society

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