
Pakistan Society for Human

Resource Management

Our Vision

To have highly competent and effective Human Resource Professionals in our member organizations and provide a base support for others to learn from.

About Us

Pakistan Society for Human Resource Management is committed to providing leadership in HR excellence. It is the professional association for HR practitioners and those involved in the business of people management. Founded in 2004, as a casual gathering of HR friends to discuss common interest issues and strategies, PSHRM has evolved to maintaining high standards of professionalism in human resource management and development.

Over the past years, PSHRM has grown to include Directors/Heads of HR, trainers, HR consultants, educators, students and HR generalists. The association is a highly professional body registered under the Companies Act and is governed by a dedicated Board of Directors comprising of leading professionals from the HR field who are elected by the members. The Board of Directors performs their duties for PSHRM on voluntary basis.

PSHRM offers professional learning and networking opportunities to its members and others in the HR profession by conducting workshops, seminars and talks by prominent speakers. Annual conferences are also held to showcase the best HR practices around the world and bring together HR and management professionals for mutual contacts and learning.

Our Mission

  • To promote the field of HR so as to be considered as a strategic partner and player in developing and executing organizational strategy and thus building competitive advantage.
  • To equip the HR professionals with knowledge and competencies that will enable them to adapt to the new role of HR to add value to their respective organizations.
  • To provide a platform to the HR professionals of Karachi in particular and in the country and the region in general for exchange of best practices, ideas and innovations in the field of HR.
  • To provide a comprehensive set of resources to all members in order to meet their professional needs.
  • To share and promote best HR practices amongst the member organizations.